Unit test are delivered to the primary schools through the channel from the students every Saturday,
Unit Test Semester 2 Marks for Writing marks of Std. 3 to 8 have been prepared by the Government of Gujarat. Based on this marksheet, you can note the man in the Saturday unit test. This test is taken in schools. In which the students of the
The unit test is conducted in the primary state of Gujarat for fifteen days. At the end of planning of this unit test, these unit tests are tested by the teacher. The unit test subject teachers are to check in 15 days and mark the unit test online. From now on, the state government recruits a school inspector to evaluate all primary schools.The police pepar compulsorily tests the unit every time he visits your school. After all teachers mark the unit test, this unit has to be re-tested at the end of the test. You have to take the test again by explaining to the students the issues that are not a problem in the test. The teacher takes the test again and again the test is done. This test is then used to keep track of which marks have been lowered in the test.
Interpretation of the observation notes in table form / drawing / graphs / writing or verbally interpreting and presenting the findings. To discuss the issues of living beings, animals rights, animal rights, moral dealings with animals etc.
The unit test is conducted in the primary state of Gujarat for fifteen days. At the end of planning of this unit test, these unit tests are tested by the teacher. The unit test subject teachers are to check in 15 days and mark the unit test online. From now on, the state government recruits a school inspector to evaluate all primary schools.The police pepar compulsorily tests the unit every time he visits your school. After all teachers mark the unit test, this unit has to be re-tested at the end of the test. You have to take the test again by explaining to the students the issues that are not a problem in the test. The teacher takes the test again and again the test is done. This test is then used to keep track of which marks have been lowered in the test.
Interpretation of the observation notes in table form / drawing / graphs / writing or verbally interpreting and presenting the findings. To discuss the issues of living beings, animals rights, animal rights, moral dealings with animals etc.
Undoubtedly sharing experiences about people working for the welfare and their motivations. Actively participate in groupwork and take care of the members of the group, empathize, work in groups, take initiatives such as indoor and outdoor sports, activities, dance, arts as well as plant care, feeding of animals, surrounding objects, elders and To perform plays or projects for the care of the handicapped / disabled.
Conduct emergency and disaster management mockrails. Discuss with the elders, teachers, and informants on the basis of maps such as obtaining sights and landmarks, livestock farming, farming, folklife etc.
identifies common vegetative origins, flowers, and simple features of the fruit (such as shape, color, aroma where it grows and so on). Recognizes variations in birds and animals. (Eg beak / tooth, paw, ear, hair, beads and housing etc.)
EV.4.03 Recognizes the relationships of family members and their mutual relationships with extended family members. describes the behavior of birds living in large or small groups (eg ants, flies, elephants, etc.) and nesting, as well as changes in the family due to birth, marriage and migration.
EV.4.05 describes the importance of different skills, traditions and heritage, etc. inherited in everyday life, such as farming, construction, arts and crafts.
EV.4.06 explains the process of production and distribution of basic necessities like food, water, clothing (eg, from source to house, from grain to market to market and from there to home, and ways to purify and consume water from local water sources).

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